Stock Quote

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Historical Stock Quote

Investment Calculator

Dividend Information

Dividend table
Ex-Dividend Date Record Date Payable Date Amount Per Share
2/17/2023 2/21/2023 2/24/2023 $0.905
11/11/2022 11/14/2022 11/25/2022 $0.905
08/12/2022 08/15/2022 8/26/2022 $0.905
05/13/2022 05/16/2022 5/27/2022 $0.905
02/11/2022 02/14/2022 02/25/2022 $0.860
11/12/2021 11/15/2021 11/26/2021 $0.840
08/12/2021 08/13/2021 08/27/2021 $0.815
05/13/2021 05/14/2021 05/28/2021 $0.785
02/11/2021 02/15/2021 02/26/2021 $0.780
11/12/2020 11/13/2020 11/27/2020 $0.775
08/14/2020 08/17/2020 08/28/2020 $0.765
05/14/2020 05/15/2020 05/29/2020 $0.680
02/13/2020 02/14/2020 02/28/2020 $0.675
11/14/2019 11/15/2019 11/29/2019 $0.670
08/14/2019 08/15/2019 08/29/2019 $0.660
05/17/2019 05/20/2019 05/29/2019 $0.645
02/14/2019 02/15/2019 02/28/2019 $0.640
11/14/2018 11/15/2018 11/29/2018 $0.635
08/14/2018 08/15/2018 08/29/2018 $0.630
05/14/2018 05/15/2018 05/29/2018 $0.625
02/14/2018 02/15/2018 02/28/2018 $0.620
11/14/2017 11/15/2017 11/29/2017 $0.615
08/11/2017 08/15/2017 08/29/2017 $0.570
05/16/2017 05/18/2017 05/30/2017 $0.555
02/13/2017 02/15/2017 02/28/2017 $0.535
11/09/2016 11/14/2016 11/29/2016 $0.530
08/11/2016 08/15/2016 08/29/2016 $0.525
05/12/2016 05/16/2016 05/27/2016 $0.510
02/12/2016 02/17/2016 02/29/2016 $0.460
11/13/2015 11/17/2015 11/27/2015 $0.440
08/12/2015 08/14/2015 08/31/2015 $0.263 (1)
1) The distribution represents the prorated amount of the Enviva Partners, LP minimum quarterly distribution of $0.4125 per unit, based on the 58 days during the period commencing (and including) May 4, 2015, the date on which the Enviva Partners, LP’s initial public offering closed, and ending June 30, 2015, the last day of the second quarter. Actual declared quarterly cash distribution was $0.2630 per common and subordinated unit for the second quarter of 2015.

Equity Analyst Coverage

Analyst Coverage Table
Firm Analyst Contact Information
Citi Ryan Levine 212-816-6555
RBC Capital Markets Elvira Scotto 212-905-5957
Truist Securities Jordan Levy 713-247-0007

Fixed Income Coverage

Analyst Coverage Table
Firm Analyst Contact Information
J.P. Morgan Arjun Chandar 212-834-4047